Monday, July 11, 2016

Genius Hour Project

I am currently taking the Mindset, Motivation and Self Directed Learning course through Winona State University.  This course requires me to complete a Genius Hour Project.  I am new to this whole concept so that in itself required some research on my part.  For this project I chose to give a presentation at the Hamline Summer Literacy Institute on the benefits of blended learning in the classroom.

You may wonder why I chose this as my project.  Part of the reason that I selected this is because I feel that many teachers are not aware of the benefits of blended learning.  I want teachers to understand that this does not replace the instruction in the classroom given by teachers but it enhances the learning.  Blended Learning allows teachers to differentiate and supplement objectives being taught.  It may appear that this requires much more work for the teacher but actually, once it is initially set up it makes the differentiation less labor intensive.

There is a second reason I chose this as my project.  I feel that public speaking is not something I am good at.  Although that may be true, it is a skill that I can improve upon the more I do it.  As we tell our students, "Practice makes perfect."  Part of my goal in this project is to change my mindset from "I don't think I can do it" to a mindset of "I can do it".  Yes, the thought gives me butterflies in my stomach and I have been tempted many times to back out of this commitment.   I expect the butterflies  will always be there when it comes to public speaking and this is something I need to carry through.  Public speaking is something I anticipate will come smoother the more I do it.

My presentation is scheduled for this week.  I look forward to reporting back to my followers the success I experienced.  I CAN DO THIS!

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