Sunday, May 21, 2017

Realizing How Connected I Am While Being Disconnected

I am somebody who has always enjoyed social media.  I have used both Facebook and Twitter to connect with others outside of my home and school.  I used Twitter for professional connections and Facebook for my social connections.  Over the past year or so I have not gotten as much enjoyment out of Facebook as I have in the past.  Truth be told, there are many times that I have looked at my feed only to find myself feeling upset or hurt by the posting of other people.  I have spent much of this past week thinking about if it is truly worth it for me to stay connected through social media or should I just give it up.  After much deliberation I have come to the conclusion that it is time to make a decision.  Do I continue with social media or not?  Today, I have deleted my Facebook account.  In my deliberation I have come to realize it has taken me over and I need to get my real life back.  I can sit in the car (as a passenger) scrolling through my feed.  While I am seeing how everyone is spending their day, I am missing the world around me.  As I am being digitally being connected, I am being physically disconnected from those that love me the most, my family.  I probably know more about the neighbors troubles than I do about my grandson's milestones.

Today has been day 1 without Facebook.  I have seen the benefits in such a sort time.  I am able to stay tuned to a verbal conversation for more than 5 minutes.  My conversations have been more reciprocal.  I have learned that I can stand in the grocery store checkout line without scrolling through my phone and still survive.  I have learned that I need to improve my phone listening skills because I have gotten so used to conversing through the computer or the app on my phone which means  I listen with my eyes.  I have learned that I have more time and I am better able to manage that time because I am not distracted by my phone.  I let it suck me in and I'm taking my life back.  Am I angry?  No way!  I actually feel a sense of relief.

My worries?  How do I collaborate with my Instant Pot community and tap into those scrumptious recipes that are shared?  I suppose there are other ways.  Google or Pinterest is a great resource to find those recipes.  And my LuLaRoe connections?  (That's the one that really hurts.)  Do I really need to spend all that money on clothes that will sit in my closet?  No matter how many outfits I have, I wear the same things most of the time anyhow, why add to it?

Twitter is something that I have been able to use in moderation.  I don't feel as though I am risking changing one social media addiction for another.  Tonight I participated in a professional learning chat on Twitter.  This lasted one hour.  This was a healthy experience.  I did not leave feeling frustrated or angry.  Participants were able to engage without risk of being run down.  Rather, I left feeling recharged and ready for a new week.

So with that being said, family and friends, I am back!  I am going to be present with you.  I hope it's as good for you as it for me.

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